lundi 22 novembre 2010

A TESOL reminder for this Monday at the RWB Ben Crystal and Shakespeare on Toast!

Dear TESOL France and Friends,

One of our plenary speakers, Ben Crystal, has decided he likes Paris so much that he's going to stick around one more day after the conference to do a reading from his book: "Shakespeare on Toast" at the Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore in the Marais! The TESOL France crew agrees: this is a pretty cool book.

When: Monday, November 29th at 4:30pm
Where: Red Wheelbarrow, 22 rue Saint Paul, 75004 Paris
How: Metro: Saint Paul
Why: Cause you really like Shakespeare and/or need a crash course.

What's Toast?
"Shakespeare on Toast" knocks the stuffing from the staid old myth of Shakespeare, revealing the man and his plays for what they really are: modern, thrilling and uplifting drama. Author Ben Crystal brings the bright words and colourful characters of the world's greatest hack writer to life, handing over the key to Shakespeare's plays, unlocking the so-called difficult bits and, astonishingly, finding Shakespeare's own voice amid the poetry. Told in five Acts, "Shakespeare on Toast" sweeps the cobwebs from the Bard - from his language, his life, his time - revealing both the man and his work to be relevant, accessible and full of beans. This is a book for everyone, whether you're reading Shakespeare for the first time, occasionally find him troublesome, think you know him backwards, or have never set foot near one of his plays but have always wanted to.

Who: Some tidbits about Ben Crystal:
He is an actor and a writer. He studied English Language and Linguistics at Lancaster University before training at Drama Studio London. He has worked in TV, film and theatre, including the reconstructed Shakespeare's Globe, London. He is a narrator for RNIB Talking Books, Channel 4 and the BBC. He co-wrote "Shakespeare's Words" (Penguin 2002) and" The Shakespeare Miscellany" (Penguin 2005) with David Crystal, and his first solo book, "Shakespeare on Toast – Getting a Taste for the Bard" was published in 2008. He regularly gives workshops on performing and speaking Shakespeare.

So if you like (or miss) his Plenary on Sunday November 28th fear not! You'll get a second chance on Monday November 29th at 4:30pm at the Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore in the Marais. 22 rue Saint Paul, 75004 Paris. Metro Saint Paul.

See you at the Conference AND at the reading of "Toast!"


The dedicated volunteers of TESOL France

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