jeudi 6 janvier 2011

Photos from The Knight's Legacy book launch at the RWB

Pictured here are scenes from tonight's launch of

A Knight's Legacy: Mandeville and Mandevillian Lore in Early Modern England edited by Ladan Niayesh of Paris VII also present were Gordon McMullan and Anke Bernau and David Matthews, Line Cottegnies Anke Bernau and David Matthews, the editors of the Manchester University Press series Manchester Medieval Literature and Culture - who are pictured in the last photograph with their new book In Strange Countries, Middle English Literature and Its Afterlife.

More pictures on RWB Paris News blog...

mercredi 5 janvier 2011

Ladan Niayesh, A Knight's Legacy a (pre) launch party !

Ladan Niayesh, The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore, and Manchester University Press announce a party at the bookshop on January 6th!

January 6th, 2011 - come and see a selection of the Manchester UP series of Medieval Literature and Culture - and join us for a prebook launch party of A Knight’s Legacy[Image]Mandeville and Mandevillian Lore in early modern England
Edited by Ladan Niayesh-here is a list of contents, some of the contributing authors will be present as well as the editors of the Manchester University Press series of Medieval Literature and Culture!
Mary Baine Campbell
Part I: Editions and Receptions
1. Mandeville in England: the early years Michael S. Seymour
2. ‘Whet-stone leasings of old Maundevile’: reading the Travels in early modern England Charles W. R. D. Moseley
3. Mandeville reviviscent: early modern travel tales Kenneth Parker
Part II: Mandevillian Ideologies
4. The four rivers of paradise: Mandeville and the Book of Genesis Leo Carruthers
5. Mandeville On Muhammad: texts, contexts and influence Matthew Dimmock
6. A ‘science of dreams’: ‘the fantastic ethnography’ of Sir Walter Ralegh and Baconian experimentalism Line Cottegnies
Part III: Mandevillian Stages
7. Marlowe’s Tamburlaine: the well-travelled tyrant and some of his unchecked baggage Richard Hillman
8. Prester John writes back: the legend and its early modern reworkings Ladan Niayesh
9. Stage-Mandevilles: the far east and the limits of representation in the theatre, 1621/2002 Gordon McMullan
10. The politics of Mandevillian monsters in Richard Brome’s The Antipodes Claire Jowitt

Ladan Niayesh is a Maître de Conférences (Senior Lecturer) in English Literature at the University of Paris VII, France